1) Root canal treatment:
Root Canal Therapy is a dental procedure, performed with a local anesthetic, which involves the removal of the nerve inside of the tooth because it has become irreversibly damaged or infected. This is usually due to the entry of bacteria into the centermost part of the tooth called the dental pulp (nerve). ROOT CANAL is a commonly used term for endodontic therapy or root canal therapy. This procedure involves the removal of the entire nerve system, as well as cleaning, shaping, and 3-dimensional filling of the canal system with gutta-percha and a dental sealer. The procedure enables you to keep your natural tooth, which is preferable to any type of replacement.
2) Root canal retreatment:
Retreatment is necessary when bacteria have re-entered the tooth. This is usually due to decay or untreated canal areas. The patient may experience swelling or pain in chewing.
Sometimes a patient may have no symptoms but an x-ray shows that there is a problem with a tooth that has previously undergone root canal therapy.
3) Apicoectomy:
An Apicoectomy, or Root-End Resection, is the removal of the root tip and the surrounding infected tissue of an abscessed tooth. This procedure may be necessary when inflammation and infection persist in the area around the root tip after root canal therapy or root canal retreatment.